Product Layout Determination System Using the Association Rules Method Using the Equivalence Class Transformation Algorithm


  • Ahmed Haikal Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Yulison Herry Chrisnanto Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia
  • Gunawan Abdillah Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia



Trade competition, Strategy, Layout, Eclat


Competition in the business world, specifically in the sales industry, requires companies to analyze the purchases made by customers during transactions in order to find effective business strategies. In the competitive fashion industry, merchants devise marketing strategies to increase sales. One strategy that can attract consumer interest is by organizing and arranging product displays, placing them in perfect layouts that align with customers' buying habits, making it easier for them to find and purchase products. Layout arrangement significantly influences customer satisfaction and purchase intent. The algorithm used in this study is Equivalence Class Transformation (ECLAT). The data used consists of transactional data from Aufco Clothing, specifically fashion products. A total of 1041 transactions were analyzed, using variables such as order number and items sold. The data was processed using JavaScript, with a minimum support of 0.2 and a minimum confidence of 0.7, resulting in 16 rules. The rules ranged from a min. confidence of 70% to a maximum confidence of 100%, forming 6 rules with 9 combinations of items.


